The Asher Stacker
Curtis Fry - February, 2017
Going back a few years, I posted the story of the Orange Asher and how it had become a solid part of my midge box. But, as is my usual tendency, I tinker with things. I found that the original Asher ended up doing better when more sparsely hackled. However, the problem there became that it didn't float as well. That got me thinking about ways to keep enough hackle but yet still maintain a somewhat sparse amount of hackle showing to the trout. That's when I figured a hackle stacker style Asher would do the trick.
What I realized even more is that with this style, the bright orange body sits flush on the water and is much more visible. So I've basically transitioned my section of Ashers in the midge box to a section of Asher Stackers. And like the previous version, Green, Purple, Red or Pink are also great colors.
- Hook: Fulling Mill 35050 Ultimate Dry Fly Hook, Barbless - 16
- Thread: Danville Flat Waxed Nylon Thread - 70 Denier - Fl. Orange
- Underbody: Veevus Holographic Tinsel - Orange - Medium
- Hackle Core: Umpqua Perform X Trout Nylon Tippet - 6X