CDC Midge Emerger
Cheech - December, 2019
The midge hatch has always been one of my favorite hatches for reasons I still can't quite figure out. It always cold and the bugs are super tiny, but maybe that's why I like it so much. Those two factors keep a lot of people off the water and on the couch, so there is more river to enjoy. I first started fishing the midge hatch pretty heavily about 17 years ago, and It's kind of been hit and miss for me based on how much motivation I have to go stand in the cold (read: Angler who sits on the couch as noted above). In order to catch midge eaters, its important to have a few different styles of flies, and the emerger is one that should be at the top of your list. Keep them sparse and simple, fish them with a good presentation, and you will be landing fish in no time. The beauty of this fly is that you can switch it up to a wide range of colors to match the flies in your area. Pop some tylenol, grab the size 24s and off you go.
- Hook: TMC 101 Dry Fly Hook - 24 - 25 Pack
- Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Blue Dun
- Shuck: Antron Yarn - Carded - Rusty Orange
- Thorax: Super Fine Dry Fly Dubbing - Adam's Gray
- Wing: Nature's Spirit CDC - Light Gray Dun
- Wing Alternate: Nature's Spirit CDC - Light Slate Dun
- Wing Alternate: Nature's Spirit CDC - Dark Slate Dun
- Wing Alternate: Nature's Spirit CDC - Dark Gray Dun