Pat's Rubber Leg Stonefly Variation
Cheech - July, 2016

Iwas first introduced to the Pat's Rubber Legs (AKA Girdle Bug, Pickle, Drifting Turd, etc,) about 10 years ago as I was fishing with a friend on a Utah river that was loaded with stoneflies. We'll just say that he caught a ton of fish and I didn't... Lots of Utah anglers that I know totally overlook stoneflies and go right for the typical microscopic tailwater midge stuff, but a few seine samples are enough to show them how healthy the stonefly population is here. The Rubber Legs can be both very simple, and very maddening at the same time due to the unruliness of the rubber legs, so we show a trick in the video on how to easily tie them in, and how to keep them out of the way while you wrap the chenille. I also add weight and a wingcase to this fly because I kind of can't help it... The original pattern called for an unweighted body to allow for maximum movement in current, but I have been fishing them on a Euro rig, so I need it to be heavy. anyway, this is a highly customizable pattern that is effective anywhere that fish eat chenille and rubber legs.
- Hook: Daiichi 1730 - Bent Shank Nymph Hook - 6
- Thread: Danville Flat Waxed Nylon Thread - 70 Denier - Olive
- Weight: Lead Free Round Wire - .020
- Legs/TailAntannae: Speckled Chenille - Black/Dark Olive
- Legs/TailAntannae: Silicone Flutter Legs - Black
- Wing 1: Loon UV Clear Fly Finish - Thin (1/2 oz)
- Wing 2: Loon UV Colored Fly Finish - Black
- Wing 4: Loon Fluorescing UV Clear Fly Finish