Size 24 Soft Hackle

Cheech - December, 2019

Ireally hadn't tied a soft hackle with this style of hackle in a size 24 before I tried this one, so why not film it... Anyway, small soft hackles should be in any winter angler's box, and they can illicit aggressive strikes if you swing them through a pod of fish rising to midges on the surface. No need explaining more about this pattern. Tie them up, swing them, and hold on!

Material List
  • Hook: TMC 101 Dry Fly Hook - 24 - 25 Pack
  • Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Blue Dun
  • Hackle: Whiting 4B Hen Cape - Grizzly
  • Hackle Alternate: Spey Chickabou Pelt - White
  • Hackle Alternate: Whiting 4B Hen Cape - Natural Dark Dun
  • Hackle Alternate: Whiting 4B Hen Cape - Natural Medium Dun
  • Hackle Alternate: Whiting 4B Hen Cape - White Dyed Dark Dun
  • Tools Used: C&F Design Midge Hackle Pliers, C&F Design Hackle Pliers,
Materials & Alternate Materials Listed Below
UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier
UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier

UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier

TMC 101 Dry Fly Hook
TMC 101 Dry Fly Hook

TMC 101 Dry Fly Hook

Whiting 4B Hen Cape
Whiting 4B Hen Cape

Whiting 4B Hen Cape

C&F Design Hackle Plier
C&F Design Hackle Plier

C&F Design Hackle Plier

Spey Chickabou Pelt
Spey Chickabou Pelt

Spey Chickabou Pelt

C&F Design Midge Hackle Pliers
C&F Design Midge Hackle Pliers

C&F Design Midge Hackle Pliers
